Ready To Create Your Oasis Of Calm?

If you’re ready to unleash happiness, peace and fulfilment you didn’t know was possible, keep reading.

Ever wished you could feel less anxious or worried? Happier? More fulfilled? Do you sometimes feel like your circumstances overwhelm you but you don’t know what to do about it?

Today, we’re constantly being bombarded with pictures of perfection, so it’s easy to think that there’s something wrong with you.

But what if instead of comparing yourself to all the people who have bigger houses, more money, more friends, more sex – in other words, things you can’t control – you could re-focus on the things you can do something about?

Become your best self

After almost two decades of trial and error, Dominika identified three areas that affect our lives the most and developed strategies to make them work for you:

1. Home

This should be your happy place where you recharge your batteries. So holding on to excess crap you don’t need is a sure way to make you stressed. In a true ‘organised Virgo’ style, Dominika will show you how to declutter, organise and decorate your home to create an environment where you can feel calm and relaxed.

2. Mindset

Unhelpful thoughts, beliefs, habits, and worries are constantly shitting on your parade without you even knowing. They affect your relationships, career and how you see the world. In this book, you’ll learn how to free yourself from all that mental ‘clutter’, become your best self and start living the life you deserve.

3. Personal finances

Whatever your money situation, this inspirational book contains plenty of easy (and fun!) things to do to take control of your financial circumstances.

Stop waiting for happiness.

Declutter your home, upgrade your mindset and learn strategies to manage your personal finances to create joy, ease and tranquillity in your life now.

Here’s what you’ll discover in F*ck You Chaos:

  • Step-by-step strategies to declutter, organise and decorate your home to create an environment where you love spending time.
  • Tactics to bring awareness to your thoughts and overcome self-sabotage.
  • Techniques to clear unhelpful mental clutter and develop a more positive mindset.
  • Strategies to organise your finances and make them work better for you.
  • Tips and tricks to feel calmer, less anxious and more in control.
  • Online tools to support and inspire you along the way.

You can wish for a better life until you’re blue in the face, but in reality, you actually have to do something about it.

You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve when you start taming the chaos and taking ownership of your life. Heck, you might even love the process!

“I read this book as part of my self-development book club last month, and it has been an absolute game changer for me and so many of my listeners. I absolutely love this one-of-a-kind combination of decluttering, not only your home in your physical space but also your mindset and your finances. It has been absolutely life-changing!”

Francesca Amber, host of the Law of Attraction Changed My Life podcast